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Triggered & Why It Isn't Funny

Imagine you were in a car accident. It was an accident that involved you hydroplaning off the road and hitting a pole. Now, it's a few years later and you are driving. Your car makes a jerk and suddenly you are filled with panic. You keep driving just fine and it's a clear day but your heart is racing. You can't help the tears that are coming to your eyes. Your hands are shaking. There is a tingling feeling running through them. You feel sick to your stomach.

You were just triggered.

Funny right?

You are perfectly fine but your brain is telling you that you are right there again. In fact if you were hurt the original place that was hurt may hurt again. Your brain is brain is bringing you back to that event. That trauma you experienced. It is real. That is a real thing.

So, what exactly is a trigger? A trigger is a catalyst or a reminder of a traumatic event most commonly associated with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Anyone can have PTSD. It is not just military personal that have it. Anyone who has gone through trauma is able to suffer from PTSD. It is a emotional thing that takes over the whole body. It is keen to a flashback, though what triggers a flashback is what we are talking about.

So what could be a trigger? The short answer is anything. Anything could be a trigger. The long answer is something that is connected to the traumatic event. It could something one can see, a smell, a sound, a taste even, or a touch. All these things could cause someone to start having symptoms of anxiety, depression, dissociation, or just not being present in the moment anymore. Anything can pull you into this.

Sooo why isn't it funny?

Well it is a something that is traumatizing. Reliving trauma isn't an easy task. It leaves people drained. It messes with people psychologically.

Trigger warnings are not going to solve all the problems but they do help. I remember sitting in class when one of my triggers came into light. I sat there for the 3 hours this class was not listening or taking anything it. Because it was a surprise. Could I have left? I would have lost credit for being there if I had. But that though never crossed my mind. I was too stuck in my own head that no matter what logical thing was there I didn't see it. Trigger warnings are helpful in places like that. It isn't about avoiding it, it is about not being surprised about it. No one makes fun of soldiers that can't handle fireworks. So why treat a student any different? No matter the trigger it is still valid.

From experience being triggers sucks. Just having that warning helps. It allows me to prepare for it. That way even if it is one, I can use my coping skills to get through it.

So next time you see the meme up top stop to consider that while it may be weird it can be a trigger. The meme isn't funny. Because triggers aren't funny. They really do put a strain on people. I know it may take more time to write out a trigger warning but at the end of the day you just prevented someone from getting a flashback. Which is what counts.

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